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IRAN: Pantea/Sophie

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Hi Sophie!

How are things with you?
for me, they are okay but fast...minutes and hours fly, i start to do a thing and before i realize, it's dark outside, and i fall asleep and then the next day comes even faster...

Today was a busy full day! I was cleaning (better to say washing) my room. Washing the walls, the floor, and all the stuff. I loved it! I could feel the fragrance of fall in my room, in the sky and in myself. my family was shocked to see me doing these things after a year not cleaning my room.

what is your favourite season? i have none...i love all. i think one of the most attractive things in the nature is the seasons. they come and go, and they come again. they go again. and they repeat and still they are beautiful, they are different and they are unique. we can smell them, we can feel them and we can touch them, finally we can let them go, and the next season comes. and it's just VERY different. I adore this changing. the nature is undescribable!
what do you think about nature?
my idea is just saying nothing. words are poor to describe this magical holy gift, and i think sometimes, just looking at the sky is VERY more precious than writing deeply only using these weak words. i love trees, i love trees very much. do you?

Hope to hear from you soon

posted by Pantea @ 9:48 PM   


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